Sunday, October 15, 2006

A blog, eh?

Well, here I am. Post number 1. I figured since I'm virtually an adult now, I might as well start writing about it. In other news, I recently decided that I'm "over" orange and that my favorite color is now green. Whether this has anything to do with my role as Lady of the Forest in Narnia this year is anyone's guess. It's a fun role, but more because of the costume than anything else. It is over fifty years old and was worn in the Metropolitan Opera. I put a picture of last year's Lady of the Forest here for all y'alls to see. I tried the dress on for the first time Friday, and every time would I would- gingerly- go to adjust the sleeves, with the horrifying sound of tearing fabric, a tiny new hole appeared. After this year, it is going to be retired and they're going to make a new version. Well, with that astonishingly long rabbit trail, I'd better get to church. It looked rainy, so I begged a ride off of Tiese. I have GOT to get my stinking license!

1 comment:

Tanner C. said...
