Wednesday, April 11, 2007

A post a week?

I have recently come to the conclusion that the "one post a week" rule currently informally in place within the Carson extended family is entirely fallacious. If I have nothing to say, I shouldn't waste my time and yours trying to come up with something that will not turn out to be entertaining, insightful, or edifying. On the other hand, one should probably have at least one entertaining, insightful, or edifying thought worth articulating per week. However, I am hereby declaring my renunciation of making up fluffy posts with no substance just so I can say that I have posted this week.

Incidentally, today is one such day. I have nothing to say, but I said it brilliantly. (Oscar Wilde said that. Either that or Dr. Who. One of the two.)


Anonymous said...

I meant to comment on your last blog about your dance rehearsals and didn't get it done. Just wanted you to know we are so dissappointed we will not be able to be at your recital this time.
We will be in Spokane that weekend watching your cousins while Cath-Asia will be on their cruise.
I know you are puting so much workin to it and we would love to see it ! I'm so disappointed as it will be your last one with the studio. LOVE YOU TONS AND KNOW WE WOULD BE THERE IF WE COULD.
I know you will do a great job and we will get to see the video but it's not quite the same.
Hugs to you -

Anonymous said...

It was Dr.Who
"your just makeing it up as you go along arn't you?"
"Yahh, but I do it brilliently."

Adam said...

I veto your decision to not make up fluffy nothingness in lieu of a post each week. ;-).

When's the recital? I wanna go!