Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Good day.

Today is shaping up to be an awesome day. I'm sitting at the cajovna at the moment, which is enough to qualify any day as good, sipping tea and paying 15 SK for half an hour's wifi use. Yesterday saw the dawn of a new reason to be extraordinarily happy, as I now have access to a non-crap cello! Granted, I can't take it home, and it lives at a music school a few minutes' walk from town, which is, in turn, maybe 15 minutes' walk from school, which is, in turn, about 50 minutes from my house. Town is only about 40 minutes away. Think of it as a less-than-perfect iscosoles triangle. Technically scaline, I suppose. Anyway, I went there straight from school and worked on getting that one Vivaldi cello duet thingie back into shape in anticipation of the performance I'll be playing in rather than giving a speech in Art History class, a gig which got me the cello in the first place. On the way, I stopped at a bookstore and picked up a copy of The Restaurant at the End of the Universe from the shelf marked "English Books", since I'd been craving some Douglas Adams and, shortsightedly, I didn't bring any with me. I'm typing with one hand, as I'm holding a sweet tea cup in the other. I'll be headed off to dance in about twenty minutes, so I'm going to stop typing now and go and squeeze every bit of internet I can from the remaining time. The end.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you had a good day today. These will be the days you remember most fondly about your time in Slovakia. Believe me, you will soon be missing your time there, so take time to dwell in your experience and enjoy.

Anonymous said...

What a sunny post! We love to get glimpses into your daily life!

Anonymous said...

Just checking in to say we love you.
Great news about your new cello to use.
Have a great day

Anonymous said...

Love reading your posts still. I recently went through and caught up on all the posts I had missed.