Friday, April 06, 2007

Tag, I'm It.

I have been tagged with this survey thing by my dear Aunt Cathy. Never one to pass up an opportunity to go on and on about myself, I am posting it here.

1. What time is it?
11:43 when I started this madness, 12:15 when I finished.
2. Name (include any nicknames):
Aubrianne MacKenzie Carson. My parents certainly didn't scrimp on syllables. Nicknames: Aub, Baub, Baubitt, Bibbidy Baubitty Boo, Bibbit, Auby-Bauby (an old one, c. 7th grade)
3. What are you most afraid of?
Being inferior.
4. What do you drive?
White Dodge Caravan, baby!
5. Have you ever seen a ghost?
No... but in elementary school my friend told me she had. I laughed at her.
6. Where were you born?
Sacred Heart Hospital, Eugene, Oregon, USA, Earth.
7. Ever been to Alaska ?
8. Ever been toilet papering, or rolling in decorating trees?
No. I live a dull life.
9. Croutons or bacon bits?
Croutons, with or without salad.
10. Favorite day of the week?
Cafe Yumm. I like the Yumm baby and the edamame Yumm. Rice kicks butt!
12. Favorite flowers?
Ummm... not carnations. Those things just look fake. I like lilies, I guess.
13. Favorite sport to watch?
Dance is a sport. Anyone who says otherwise can convince me by getting a football team to wear pointe shoes without complaining.
14. Favorite Drink
Various tea-related cold beverages, but not just iced tea.
15. Favorite Ice cream:
I have recently decided to eat ice cream despite my lactose intolerance, so, for the first time in my life, I have an actual answer to this question! In my opinion, it's hard to go wrong with a good vanilla.
16. Favorite fast food restaurant:
Eaugh. Why don't you just deep fry my soul while you're at it?
17. Hobbies?
Aside from the obvious dance and cello, I enjoy crocheting, origami, reading PG Wodehouse (favorite author of the week), reading Douglas Adams, reading almost anything I can get my hands on, eating, playing "classic" (i.e. old) Lucasarts adventure games (They have done nothing but Star Wars for far too long. Just who do they think they are, trying to make money? Sheesh.), exploring unusual relationships to gravity, sleeping, and boiling water in my 'lectric kettle.
18. What color is your bedroom carpet?
Dirt color. Not because it's dirty, it came that way. At least this way I don't have to vacuum.
19. How many times you failed your driver's test?
None. Ha!
20. From whom did you get your last email?
Someone who had some update about some Rotary exchange thing.
21. What do you do most often if you are bored?
See hobbies and TV shows.
22. Bedtime?
23: Favorite TV show(s):
Mythbusters, Dharma and Greg, Whose Line is it Anyway?, Scrubs.
24. What are you listening to right now?
David Crowder band.
25. What are your favorite colors?
Either green or dark gray, depending on my mood.
26. How many tattoos do you have?
None, but I've had two henna tattoos.
27. Do you have any pets?
Not unless you count Tanner.
28. Which came first the chicken or the egg?
God came first. Then he made both.
29. What would you like to accomplish before you die?
Skydive, learn to fire a bow and arrow, hike around Europe for a while, fall madly in love, go on a LONG road trip, grow dreadlocks, go vegetarian for a while, play the cello in a tutu, do aerial ballet, play a major role in a Shakespearean play (Beatrice, maybe?), etc. Didn't I do a post about this a while ago?

I tag... Tanner. And Dad. So you guys had better answer these questions. I'll be looking.


Adam said...

I'll get to work on that soul deep frier.

Mmmm, eternal goodness.

Cathy said...

Yay! You did it!

Someday I will take you toilet papering... maybe when you come to Whitworth.

I'm intrigued by your answer to #3. Certainly if you're talking about quality or mediocrity, I would agree with you. But in terms of station or importance, I think there's a lot of freedom in accepting inferiority... since it would be impossible to be superior in all aspects of life.

I'll be chewing on this for awhile...

Thanks for responding, Aub. It was fun to read your answers.

Anonymous said...

Poor Tanner

Anonymous said...

That was my freind Amy. She made me post it as Anonymous