No, tak, som to pisala po slovenský lebo rozmislím veľa o minúlom rokom. Asi, je to lebo sneži. Nemýslela som že budem to hovorit, ale chýbam slovensku, a som bola trošku nepríjemna od minulí január do okolo maj. Ak som mohla este raz robiť z nova, všekto budem robiť ine. Chcem hovoriť "prepačte" do všeci kto boli príjemne do mna a som nebola príjemna spät. Viem že moju slovenčinu je strasne teraz, ale dufam že rozumiete. Dakujem pre krásny rok.
For my non-Slovak speaking readers, I offer a recap:
- It's been snowing here.
- I'm on break.
- I'm working to pay for books for next term (although the only word i know for term is literally "half of year". I hope it still applies to a school that runs on quarters).
- Finals were last week, and I think I did okay, but we won't know for sure until Friday.
- I've been thinking about Slovakia a lot.
- I never thought I'd say it, but I miss Slovakia.
- I was not very pleasant from last January to around May.
- If I were to do it again, I'd do a lot of things differently.
- I'd like to apologize to everyone that was nice to me, but I wasn't nice back.
- My Slovak is terrible these days.
- Thank you for a great year.
Enjoy your time off and enjoy the snow!
Tvoja slovencina je uplne super Aubrianne! Mas velmi velky talent na cudzie jazyky! Keby tak moje deti rozpravali, bola by som velmi stastna. Ale su velmi lenivi a i ja som leniva. V lete ideme na Slovensko na pat tyzdnov, prave som kupila letenky, tak dufam, ze sa ich slovencina zlepsi. Pod s nami! Zoberieme ta! Bude stranda! Dufam, ze sa coskoro uvidime. Ak by si mala cas na Alesha a Leu, daj mi prosim vediet.
How is school and life going? Haven't talked to you for awhile.
Hope to get to see you soon when we finally get the snow over and are able to get together.
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