Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Thanksgiving is one of those holidays that I think has a good idea behind it. We tend to take the things we have for granted and stress about the things we don't have, rather than being content in whatever circumstance. Anyways, there is definently a downside to the holiday. I guess there are two. Firstly, that by isolating a concept into one day and a bunch of greeting cards, it is objectified and loses meaning. You see it in Mother's Day, Veteran's Day, and all the holidays that are just 'reminders' of someone or something. Nextly, it is more about a day off of school and eating until your stomach contains enough food to feed several third-world countries for a year, once they rinsed off the bile. Eew. Gross. elib eht ffo desnir yeht ecno. There. That should have reversed it. Just making sure you're still reading. Anyways, I could write more on the topic, but... I'm not going to.