Eeyup, it's been a while. Just thought I'd acknowledge that. This past week (well, I call it a week, but it was really more like five days), I was at some mountain-type place for the church's ski trip. Sunday was mostly taken up with arriving and introductions and the like, and today, being the last day, was mostly taken up with packing up and leaving, so that makes three days of substance. On the first day, I skiied so much, and so badly, that my knees, which have always been weak, were not only black and blue from the incredible number of times I fell, but also felt as though someone had taken my shin in one hand and my thigh in the other and just twisted away at the knee in between. For those of you unfamiliar with human anatomy, just know that your knees are not meant to twist, just bend. Thus, I sat the second day out and mostly spent the time playing through Monkey Island 1 and 2, the first two Pajama Sam games, and a prodigious amount of solitaire. Also prodigious was the 3-hour nap I took. Good times. Anyway, that means that the increasingly inaccurately titled "ski week" actually consisted of a mere two days of skiing. (Aside: See that there? I stole the phrase "increasingly inaccurately titled" from the back of the copy of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, where it states that it is the "first in the increasingly inaccurately titled Hitchhiker's Trilogy" or somesuch nonsense. This is why I could never write a book. I would get the pants sued off me for plaigerism. And there again, where I stole "Get the pants sued off of" from Sam and Max. Max responds, "but you don't wear any pants." The cycle never ends. Well, that grew unusually tangential unreasonably quickly. End Aside.) Furthermore, I was one of maybe two of the 14 there who were actually skiing. All the others were far too cool to ski and thus, snowboarded. In case you are one of the few people who haven't heard me expostulate on the topic yet, my two most spectacular falls both involved me getting to the end of the run with too much momentum and not enough skill to stop in time. In the first instance, I sailed off the ski run, was airborne for a moment, and faceplanted in the dirt, as the only snow there was manmade. In the second instance, I skiied through (and partially over) the line of people waiting for the lift. The other funny, I honestly can't be bothered to relate again, so I'll just copy it out from where I told my mama about it. Yes, I am lazy. Som leniva.
Aubrianne hovorí:
i somehow got a new nickname this week
La Chel Carson hovorí:
Aubrianne hovorí:
apparantly i go really fast skiing, and some czech tourists commented
Aubrianne hovorí:
and called me "raketa"
Aubrianne hovorí:
which means rocket
Aubrianne hovorí:
and some of the guys heard that and were so taken with the word that they just said it all the time
Aubrianne hovorí:
so now i'm raketa.
Aubrianne hovorí:
i guess
La Chel Carson hovorí:
that is so funny!!!!!
Aubrianne hovorí:
i thought so
La Chel Carson hovorí:
it suits you to a T
Aubrianne hovorí:
hee hee
Aubrianne hovorí:
it's weird, since they kept saying "raketa! raketa!" in that way that people say a word when they just like the sound of it
Aubrianne hovorí:
and i didn't know what it meant or what they meant by it
Aubrianne hovorí:
until kelly told me
Aubrianne hovorí:
i only go fast since it's harder to slow down
La Chel Carson hovorí:
that actually makes it a little funnier!
Aubrianne hovorí:
i know!
La Chel Carson hovorí:
you have always only had one speed!
Aubrianne hovorí:
well, by the last day i was good enough at least to stop
Aubrianne hovorí:
if not slow down much
So yeah. That's about how that went down. Oh, and "hovorí" means "says". The messenger here is all in slovak. The last fun bit that I can think of concerning the trip is that there were two American girls there who somehow spoke less Slovak than me, despite having lived here at least as long (in one case) and considerably longer (in the other). Oh, and the Slovak girl to whom I did most of my talking said that I "don't have any accent". She went on to ask if it was correct to say "don't have any", and whether it constituted a double negative. We told her it was fine. When she later went on to ask about phrasal verbs or somesuch hoo-ha, however, we told her we didn't have a clue what the heck she was talking about.