All the exchange students, including myself, developed a strange little jazyk all our own. Dubbed "Slovanglish" or "slovangičtina", depending on who you're talking to, it's basically angličtina, but about half the slovos come out po slovensky, which could be a maly communication problem when I get back home. The nouns are the worst, besides those funky little words that you just toss out into the sentence. I'm going to be saying "No" a lot, but what I'll mean by "no" is generally "yes". I read that it takes at least two weeks to stop saying "yes" and "no" in your adopted language, but that seems a little kratky to me. You should have heard us all spolu. It was a little scary. If you'd stranded us all on a desert island somewhere, it would only have taken about a rok and we would have had ourselves a full-fledged jazyk all our own. I have here appended a maly glossary for you in case any of you want to študovať up a bit before I get there in case you find me yelling for you to "podˇkaj a second" or asking you to pomôc with my počitač. I'm sure it doesn’t even begin to cover the immense confusion we'll have, but sometimes a little confusion is fun too. Add to the mix the fact that I've been chilling with my Australčanka with all her fun australsky words, and my vocabulary becomes a very very zauimave place.
Bez | Without |
Podˇkaj | Wait |
Trošku | A little bit |
Spolu | together |
Dˇakujem | Thank you |
Diki | Thanks |
Australčanka | Australian chick, more specifically, Ellie. |
Autobus | Bus |
Pozor | Watch out, pay attention |
Angličtina | English |
Australsky | Australian |
Americky | American (adjective) |
Laska | Love |
No | Yes |
Hej | Yeah |
Daj mi | Give me |
Však | Something along the lines of "eh?" |
Viem | I know |
Zauimave | interesting |
Čaj | Tea |
Muž | Man |
Počitač | computer |
Mobil | Cell phone |
Pomôc | help |
Maly | Little |
Vlasy | Hair |
Domov/doma | Home |
Nie | No |
Notebook | laptop |
Strašne | Horrible, horribly |
kratky | Short |
stači | enough |
Kufor | Suitcase |
Potraviny | Convenience store |
Pivo | Beer |
Pes | Dog |
Po Slovensky | In Slovak |
Po Anglicky | In English |
Jesť | Eat |
študovať | study |
Jazyk | Language, tongue |
Slovo | Word |
Môže byť | May be |
Rok | year |