Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Back from Athens

As the title of this post cunningly foreshadows, I am, indeed, back from Athens. It was a pretty sweet time, but oddly enough, I'm having trouble finding things to say about it. While the sights were very cool, the overall impression they left on me was something along the lines of "Well, now I can say I've been here". Mostly, the food was really good. One night a whole bunch of us got together and ended up eating real live Greek food at some tiny little restaurant, and then the next night we went and had gyros (whose pronunciation we had many a heated discussion concerning- eventually coming to some sort of concencis in the neighborhood of "Gheeeu-roes.") Mostly, we had a bunch of free time, which we mostly spent wandering around and getting lost. The last night, we had another wicked hookah party at the little tea house next to the hotel. The old stuff was cool too-- there was the acropolis, of course, and some amphitheater that was cool and old and stuff, and... a bunch of other stuff. Overall, it was pretty sweet. I only have a couple minutes to go on this benighted paid-for internet, so I'll just throw on a picture or two and call it quits. Oh, yeah. And we went swimming in the ocean, too. That wasn't a rotary-organized thing, but everyone went anyway. Everyone else was being sissy and whining that it was too cold (in April. For pete's sake.), but I just jumped in anyway. Really, it was warmer than most of the lakes in which I've swam. Those pansies. Good times, though.