Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Will you be my Valentine?

Here it is; the long awaited Valentine's day rant. First off, were it not for the candy and greeting card industries, there would be no holiday, especially for those of us who are... romantically uninvolved. Forever. Before this spirals further into self-pity and self-depreciation, I will change the topic. At my school, there is a pageant for senior boys known as the Mr. North pageant wherein the contestants have to raise as much money as possible for charity. Fine and good. However, on Valentine's day, you can pay money to have a "Val-o-gram" delivered by one of these strapping young lads dressed in a tux for the occasion. For an extra dollar or so, you can have the messenger sing the contents of said Val-o-gram. Now, allow me to ask, who would enjoy receiving such a val-o-gram? That's right, enamored high school girls. Is it likely that these girls' boyfriends would be terribly excited to shell out $3-$7 for another boy to sing a sappy valentine to his girl? I would guess not. So, logically, the majority of the valentines delivered will be from these girls' fellow girl friends. Friendship, however, is not the point of Valentine's day, romantic love is. Therefore, the entire concept underlying the Mr. North Val-o-grams is fallacious, and the whole venture ought to be abandoned. Plus, the word Val-o-gram is just dumb. A valentine is already a message, and adding -gram onto it is just redundant. On the other hand, maybe I'm just bitter. Yes. That's probably it. Sorry.


Adam said...

Aubrianne wrote: "Now, allow me to ask, who would enjoy receiving such a val-o-gram? That's right, enamored high school girls. Is it likely that these girls' boyfriends would be terribly excited to shell out $3-$7 for another boy to sing a sappy valentine to his girl? I would guess not."

I would counter that not many highschool girls I know or have known would be anything less than mortified at recieving a singing "I love you" in class, and that not many high school boyfriends I know or have known would mind shelling out a few bucks to make their girl happy.

If it makes you feel any better, I, as well, am romantically uninvolved this Valentine's Day for the first time since 2002. Not a great feeling, to be sure :D. We should totally round up all our single friends and do an anti-V-Day celebration some time. Invite people from the orchestra etc. That could be fun :D

I hope you have an alright V-day, despite your relationship status, and I shall join you in your sour puss-ness.

I need to talk to you about rides etc to the Wildish! Call me or leave me an email or something and let me know what rehearsals/performances etc you will be attending.

Cathy said...

I have a friend who is a missionary in Costa Rica - and there, they celebrate February 14th as 'Friendship Day.' Doesn't that have a much nicer ring to it? I would actually participate in that, I think.

You made me laugh out loud with your 'the word Val-o-gram is just dumb' comment. I'm with you there.