Friday, July 13, 2007


This morning I was anesthetized while some folks poked around in my mouth and pulled out two teeth I didn't know I had.

The good news is that now, twelve hours later, I can finally feel my face and even move the left hand side of my upper lip. Plus I get ice cream.

The bad news is that, while I can move my previously incapacitated facial muscles, the feeling that has returned is not at all a pleasant one. Not only can I now feel my tongue, but I can feel the waves of nauseating pain emanating from the gaping holes in my gums where, I'm told, a couple of teeth were lurking, biding their time, waiting to erupt and wreak havok, causing incalculable pain and damage to my mouth on their way to take over the world in the name of all things toothy. Well, we sure showed them.

My face hurts. Whether that has anything to do with my preference for words both rather larger and more plentiful than I generally would thrust upon my innocent readers is up for debate.

So here I sit, typing with one hand while the other holds a bag of frozen peas, specially purchased for the purpose, to my cheek.


(PS. The title of this post, while somewhat nonspecific, was specifically chosen to not break the now six-post long streak of one word titles. It is my solemn vow that, until now, this was entirely unintentional. Thank you.)


Alberta Art Classes said...

Hey, that's funny-Panchy just got four wisdom teeth pulled Friday morning too. She looks a little like chipmunk this morning, despite the frozen food plastered to her face all day yesterday. I hope you feel better today, Aub. You must be counting down the days...xxxooo Puanani

TurtleGirl said...

Hey you're lucky, I got all four wisdom teeth pulled. And they were freakin inpacted. The guy had to dig like crazy to get them out. It hurts so much. At least I get Vikaden though. Muahahahaha.
Well I'm glad the nauseous thing wasn't a figment of my imagination. You have it too so I guess it's normal. Did you have a fever too? Gosh, this is painful. I'm still too pained to blog.
Love ya hon,

Adam said...

Pfft, who needs teeth anywho?

Liquid diets are AWESOME ;)