Saturday, September 08, 2007


So this weekend is Jarmok, a nation-wide festival sort of thing, complete with booths and people running around in native costume doing traditional things and selling traditional, hand crafted wares. The most bizarre element of the whole thing is that, according to tradition, the boys give girls smart whacks to the bum with traditional wooden spoons. Not even kidding you. (Michael Eckerdt, this is your chance.) There's also a bunch of the obligatory festival-type portable rides of questionable safety and/or legality. So that's what I did this weekend.

This was my first week at school. I'm taking a bunch of classes, presented here in handy-dandy list format:
  • French. This seems like a good idea, but they are all way better than me, and half the time, I don't even know what language the teacher is speaking.
  • PE. I suck at Volajbol. And at basketbol. And futbol. Oh well. At least I don't have to talk much.
  • Chemistry. This class is probably the one where I understand the most, as far as Slovak goes. I mean, it's not hard to tell that "etán" means "ethane". Unfortunately, I don't remember much of the content.
  • Remedial Slovak. Private lessons. Yay!
  • Math. Same deal as Chemistry.
  • A bunch of other classes. It's horrible, I know, but I don't understand them at all, so I sit quietly and draw pictures. The other day, and I know my readers will be either appalled or proud of me, I wrote out every bit of diologue from the first ten minutes of Serenity. I checked later, and I only made 27 mistakes. Not bad, I think. Try it some time. We'll compare scores.

So, that's about all for now. I've been quite busy. I've been learning to ride šelda, sasha's horse, and I start dance classes on Thursday. Dance will be three days a week, ballet once, (I think) modern once, and folk dance once. I'm excited!

I miss you all incredibly much.


Anonymous said...

"yes, everything looks good here. This is a fertile land and we shall thrive. And we shall call this land.... this land.

"I think we should call it: your grave."

"Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal."

"Ha, ha, ha, mine is an evil laugh. Now die!"

I guess this means that I'm impressed with your recollection, eh?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like school could be challenging...Let us know how the dance classes go. You should excel there.
How fun to have a horse to ride.I spent most of my teen years on horseback! Loved it...My best girlfriend had two horses and we basically lived on them when we weren't at school. I still love horses! A few years ago we went up to Hillsboro and watched the draft horse plowing contests. Nothing is more beautiful than the huge draft horses that are so tall they have their backs nearly above your head when you stand next to them.
Good to hear from you - We miss you - miss you - miss you!

Adam said...

I learned how to play the Firefly theme song ("Mal's Theme") one day on guitar. I spent many (read: a couple) a restless hour (read: bored minute) singin' all 'bout 'dem feelin's 'a 'is.

Can cowpolk actually say a word without using an apostrophe? Is it possible?