Monday, October 01, 2007

The Moment Before Reason

For a moment, I thought I saw you yesterday. But it was just a particular shade in a stranger's hair, a tilt of the head or the angle of a smile on an unknown face. It seems you are refracted-my images of you, fractured, playing across a million foreign faces like glimmering rainbows cast by the prism of distance, intangible, insubstantial. I would not have thought I knew you well enough to see you where you are not, in the glint of a man's glasses on the bus or even the feet of a fellow dancer. The way a nose wrinkles in a smile, the shape of a slender finger, a neck's particular slope as it becomes shoulder- you are all around me, silent strangers reminding me of your absence. In the moment before reason, there is just time enough for an inhalation and the flash of your name across my mind like lightning across the sky and then you are gone, swallowed alive by harsh reality, and I realize, having had to say goodbye again, how very much I miss you. We are separated by thick walls of time and space, penetrated only by a feverish imagination starved of you. I did not think I missed you until my heart leapt at the sight of you, only to be cut down by reason, shouting its truel truths- that you aren't here, that you can't be here- and i realized just how much I wished you were.

I write this to you, my friends, so you will know, as I now do, that I miss you more than words can say, more than reason can explain or even describe. This is my love letter and my lament, for though neither of us is irrevocably removed from this fallen earth, the distance winding between us, literally oceans away, feels as impassable as the gap 'twixt life and death. We stand on the edges of the chasm and shout, scream until we have no breath, and ultimately, we turn away and live our lives apart. Living, simply being, causes our characters to change, grow, evolve, When I return, dear friend, who will you be? Will I recognize you in the flesh? Perhaps more frightening still- who will I be?

When such thoughts cloud my mind and precipitate into tears, your wise words, spoken in a quiet, tearful moment, decend about my shoulders like a warm arm-

"It's only for a year."

Note to readers: I wrote this in a very blue moment. Rereading it now, it seems extraordinarily overdramatic, but that's what makes it fun to write. It's not always this bad. Some of the occurances of the word "you" in this post are plural, some are not. You're smart. You can figure it out. But hey- it's got imagery, analogies, metaphores out the wazzoo, just a dash of alliteration, heck, even death. By gum, It's a bona fide piece of literature!


Anonymous said...

I wish I could make my comment on your post one-tenth as beautiful as the post itself. Alas, I don't have your gift. It was so beautiful. I cried, not just in the missing of you, but in the lament for all the losses I have ever felt. Thanks for writing such a touching glimpse into your journey. Hey, whaddya know, now it is even less than a year (like nine and a half month, I think)! I will always recognize you, but that doesn't mean you won't have changed, it just means that I am your mom!

love you squeeky!

TurtleGirl said...

I miss you cause for me it's been like 3 years since I've seen you.
I hope you're having fun even if you're a little blue sometimes.
Love always,
the turtlegirl

Anonymous said...

Wow, intense but oh, such a stunning use of vocabulary! Seriously, you need to consider being a professional writer. I have a close friend who is a fabulous writer but you just may be on par with her. Your styles are different and I love that . . . both great fun to read. OK, maybe not always "fun" but emotion jarring, that's for sure.
Thinking of you, Aub.

Anonymous said...

Wow this is like something we would read in Lit class and then analyze. Wowza. Congrats on the wordy yet amazing piece, haha. Only a year. Exactly.

Adam said...

Miss ya more each day, Aub. *Hug*

Cathy said...

Wow. What a lovely and heart wrenching piece of your soul you've shared. I LOVE it.

I've had periods in my life where my writing was a huge part of 'getting me through' stuff. Keep at it. And thanks for sharing it with us all.

Hugs to you.

Anonymous said...

My first reaction was "Indubitably"

But deeper insides, I completely relate to seeing a part of someone and hoping against hope that it was my mom who passed away a few years ago. I know its impossible, but my mind doesn't care whats possible and what's not.

Thanks for sharing,


Anonymous said...

Thank you for such a beautiful blog. I loved it. It really touched me.
Hang in there. We all miss you too.
How about some pictures?

Anonymous said...

I miss you baub