Sunday, August 15, 2010

Musical Stylings

So I guess I'm kind of in a band now. In December I met my pal Nathan, himself a friend of Kerry, while recording some cello on a song she'd written. A couple weeks ago he found himself in need of a cellist when a friend of his, Ria, brilliant singer and songwriter, asked him to join her playing some sort of festival gig in Yakima. So I became the second tier of friends-of-friends on this little trek. When we arrived, we met up with Roger (I don't know whose friend he was. Guess he's my friend now) and, being something of a musically-inclined fellow, agreed to join up with the rest of us and learn the djembe and mandolin for a few of the songs. I heard the songs for the first time Wednesday, and Friday saw me loading up the old cello into Nathan's little Geo for a journey, both topographical and musical, having recorded what amounted to a demo for most of the songs we would be playing, which in turn featured a whole mess of other friends-of-friends with various instruments in tow mixed expertly, albeit quickly, by Nathan. The poor kid can't have slept much.

In any event, this is all a thinly veiled plug for our free album, remixed in the week or two following the trip. You can get it here.


Anonymous said...

Nice write-up. Very happy to have you as our cello player, Aub!

When is your next post? I keep checking back...

Andrew Anderson said...

"Keep checking back"?? Well, looks like someone needs to learn how to use a feed-reader! *GEEK JOKE*