Sunday, October 15, 2006

Philosophical Rampage!

Okay, so upon further reflection, I figured nobody would want to read about my pathetic, everyday life, so I thought maybe they'd want to read about my pathetic, ill-articulated personal philosophy instead! Here we go!
  1. Jesus was (and is) who he said he was.
  2. People are, left to themselves, selfish, interested only in their own happiness.
  3. Familiarity breeds contempt, so religious billboards and bumperstickers do more harm than good.
  4. Even if they're going to hell, people who have thought through all the facts at their disposal and come to the wrong conclusion are more deserving of respect than those who blindly accept the truth.
  5. If you don't like toast, you're seriously missing out.
  6. No person is inferior to any other, since we're all vastly flawed anyway.
  7. Dance is harder than most any sport, and guys who dance are more worthy of veneration than football players.
  8. In music, "Christian" lyrics and innovative musicality are a rare combination. Why do something new when you can sing chorus, verse, chorus, verse, bridge, chorus, chorus again?
  9. Choreography should never repeat more than four counts of movement more than twice, and even then, never consecutively.
  10. Something doesn't have to be "Christian" to be acceptable by a Christian.
  11. "Bad words" are just words, but still, be careful not to offend people. Like don't say 'crap' or 'butt' around a bunch of four-year-olds.
  12. 'Jehovah' is a mistranslation of YWH and its use should be avoided. It's not bad, but it's like calling someone the wrong name. God has a name and wants you to use it.
  13. Taking away the honors system in school, supposedly to raise everyone to honors level, won't work. Teachers have to teach to the lowest common denomenator, so the level of the work will automatically go down. Sure, we need to see to every student's needs, but the needs of a kid whose mom is a drug addict and who can't do their homework because they have to take care of their 17 stepsiblings aren't everyone's needs.
  14. Being too overt in your Christianity is a big turnoff to most people, making you completely useless as an evangelist. Nobody wants to be friends with a bible-thumper, but if you make friends first, then you can gently thump a little bible their way.
  15. You don't have to be smart to look smart.
  16. If you have to pretend to be something you're not to get people to like you, it's not worth it.
  17. Farts and burps happen to everyone- there's no reason to hide them among people you know.
  18. Sex is meant to be enjoyed in a very specific context- outside of marriage, it's sin. Unfortunately, sin is very marketable.
  19. Blood and guts were put inside people's bodies for a reason. Don't make me look at them!
  20. Some fear is legitimate- like a healthy respect for heights- but others are just silly. That tiny spider couldn't hurt you even if it wanted to.
I've got lots more, but that's more than a big enough chunk to be getting on with. I'll try and elaborate on a couple of these in every entry. Well, another hour when I should have been doing my homework gone forever.


Steve said...

#17 feel free to hide the farts around me. I'm easily offended.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you Aub...
keep the blood and guts inside so I can't see them !
Enjoyed your blog.
Lots or really good insight.
Love you

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is great Aubrianne! I never would have thought of you as the type to talk about some of these things. I'm not sure. Haha, I guess I wouldn't have thought of you as a blogger either!

Tanner C. said...

You are such a weirdon, but I love you for it. Unfoutunately I can't eat toast, I wish I could.

Anonymous said...

HAHA i like those and i totally agree w/ lots of em... and i like toast..just wanted u 2 know that lol i like how blunt u r! Amen sista!