Sunday, March 25, 2007

The Adventures of Little Baubitt

Christmas 1995ish- Little Baubitt is hard at work sticking peppermints on a gingerbread house (actually made of graham crackers). Dad comes up behind her with a video camera. Ever eager to be immortalized in film, I look up sweetly and say, "Can you say I'm very creative?" (Actually, it was more like "cerative", but I thought you might not know what I was saying.) Dad, stifling a laugh, obligingly says, "You're very creative." Little Baubitt, satisfied, gives a little half knod and returns to decorating her house. Sometime when you're at my house ask Tanner to show you the video.

The reason I bring this anecdote up is that, apparently, even at the tender age of five, I liked people to give me words of affirmation. Nice words. It's probably the primary way that I receive love from others. Hugs, I could take or leave. Sorry, Tanner. I can appreciate it when people do practical things for me, but it doesn't mean much to me. Presents are nice, though. Quality time drives me nuts since I always think I ought to be doing something else. So say nice things to me. The end.


Anonymous said...

Awesome! haha. Here's a nice comment. Your Blog is cool! Way to go Baubitt. Haha. Now I feel like i have to update mine.

Adam said...

Nice things eh? You didn't totally suck at minigolf today ;-).

I'll call you tomorrow, but how does Wed sound for lunch with me and Jessica RE: Trio stuff?

Anonymous said...