Thursday, March 15, 2007

Life Lessons

Just to remind myself that school isn't totally pointless, here is a list of some things I've learned this year:

  1. Pi day (3/14) is only commemorated by people writing "Pi day!" on the whiteboard in the school.
  2. Homework for fourth period can almost always be done during lunch.
  3. Getting hit by a car is an excellent way to get out of things
  4. Whatever you might think a poem is about... you're completely wrong.
  5. The librarian refills the candy dish at the start of lunch.
  6. Assemblies are never mandatory.
  7. The secret to writing a good essay is coming up with one good point and restating it as many ways as you can.
  8. Even if you did the assigned reading, looking over the sparknotes can still save your bacon.
  9. $5.00 is two weeks of lunch money.
  10. Never, ever try to invade Russia in the winter.

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